Monday, June 29, 2009

Stop the clock!

Hey there "Mr.Time" who told you that you could mess with my days bud. Give me some space. Oh wait, that's right there is no time in space. I guess I'll have to fudge the timeline.

I was born on the 5th of July. My Dad on the 3rd. Can you guess when we actually celebrate? Independence day, hoorah!

It's been decided that this year we will not do the norm. So instead of starting early & ending early, we are going to start mid-afternoon 3:00-4:00ish and have great food instead of hot dogs and hamburgers. Oh we will keep the old faithfuls ready for the kids who will scoff at our culinary brilliancy, but our mouths will not touch them unless to test for heat factors.

We will do the smores of course. A couple of kilns lit. Torches lit. Tents with bug screens for the gamers. Swimmers still squealing. And in the background the many sounds of fire-crackers and bottle-rockets.

Most people will leave to catch a firework show that I adamantly will say Hell no to. Not because its not a good show, but it is a waste of 4 hours for a 20 minute show that I won't get to see because I'll be chasing Z down.

Mom said it best when she gave the reminder that Aaron pretty much screamed his head off when he was little.

I think I will stay home and watch the ghetto works instead. Garden hose at the ready, Cell phone on my hip, and a prayer that nothing in our hood goes wrong.


  1. Thank you Peach. I just read your post. I was thinking how I have the Yankee version of your BBQ. We both have the crazy relatives and the booze. No guns here unless you count the concealed ones that my wannabe mobster/gangsta guests are carrying. Oh and we also have the "Moonshine" it's aged rum and nasty. Never again.

  2. i was a fathers' day baby. daddy always makes sure things are extra special for us :)

  3. That is so cool Blaez. Holy crap. It's July 1st. woo hoo!
