Thursday, August 27, 2009

Twisted Music shows

Are you a fan of Little Shop of Horrors?

Or how about The Rocky Horror Show?

If so then you should really check out the gem that was served up at Cake Wrecks. No they did not create it themselves. The post can be found here. If you do not currently follow Cake Wrecks I highly recommend them. Always funny and very witty, they are a perfect start or end to a sometimes crappy day.Onward to my point.

The following video caught me off guard. I thought for sure I'd watch part and yawn, but I found that it was right up my alley. Part of the reason for me starting this blog was based on a poem that took the conventional fairy tale and twisted it to my then dismal outlook on society (Hey I was young and the world was out to get me. The poem was written on a Word Processor if that helps the timeline.) So I was tickled pink by the story line and characters in this Short. And as for the musical score: Fantabulous! Who knew Doogie had a voice. Not me. (And I mean a singing voice in case you are wondering.)

You know the drill: We ask that all patrons please turn off their cell phones and/or personal messaging devices. No photography or recordings are acceptable nor shall be allowed during the performance. (Sniff..Sorry I miss the days of Theater. Gotcha. Actually I am giggling because if you do love the afore mentioned then you will enjoy this one.

To find more cool crap (Meant in the best of terms. Not actual poo.) like the Video/Movie just viewed head over to Hulu.

As the days grow shorter I will be reaping my crop of weirdness. I send you all love and well wishes.

(I would insert a signature that would be befitting of me but I have got to get a Duck to agree to come and let me scan it's webbed foot.)


Sweet dreams all.


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