Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Not a Z-file.

Hey there folks.  Short and sweet again, because I have lots of nothing to do in a hurry.

I cannot wait for tomorrow night.  Why? Buffalo wing heaven and some other stuff!  Glorious wings in different tones thanks to my father who has to accommodate the eclectic palates of us wing freaks.  So look for my post whining about how bad my mouth hurts, and how I have lost all senses except the 6th which should have given me the heads up on how much pain I would soon be in. (I am kidding...I am the wing Queen.*)

And for some amusement:

Control Z 
A member of Corel's technical support team received a call from a harried legal secretary with a problem.  Her company had just upgraded their software from WordPerfect 8.0 to WordPerfect 10, and she had an urgent technical question.  She said, "In WordPerfect 8, I would hit the tab key to get a tab.  What key do I hit in WordPerfect 10?"  The Tech support person sat in silence wondering if he had become the victim of a prank.  He tentatively answered, "The tab key?" and waited for the punch line. The response he got was not a joke.  "Oh, that worked!" the woman happily replied and hung up.  

Funny.  Not funny.  Who cares?!

We ring in the new year tomorrow and that is pretty freakin cool!

*I've only actually cried once, possibly twice due to the seriously sick hotness of the wings.

Sweet dreams all. 


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