I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. I know I did. I even got some Christmas shopping done done on Friday. Yes. I braved the herds of bargain shoppers. I even thought it was fun.
I am watching an awesome movie right now and I was going to post a clip, but I thought it be more fun to share my favorite quote.
I think its really easy, but then again when I try to guess other people's quotes I always get it wrong or its on the tip of my tongue.
"I'm your Huckleberry"
I'm going back to my movie watching. I am kid free till tomorrow afternoon.
Sweet dreams all.
"Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers." ~Hans Christian Andersen
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thank you.
I am going to have some fun the next couple of days. I am going to wear my jammies all day (with the exception of going to go see New Moon tomorrow. I'll put on a nice sweater. Hee Hee!).
And I have the huge cheesecake that I bought, and now have no where to bring it. Stuff happens and Godiva Chocolate is sinfully delicious. Oh. I am so sorry. I forgot to say that my cheesecake was a Godiva Double Chocolate from the Cheesecake Factory. No, I do not get paid to say that, but I do get to eat it. I have got to figure out how to share this monster.
My Thankful thoughts:
My Son "Z" being OK and now driving everyone up the wall.
My Mom & Dad for all they do for me and my boys.
My having the best job in the world. (It's true. If you love your job it is not work it's fun.)
My Son, Aaron, for wanting to serve his country like his Mom and Uncle's did.
My readers for reading and for not dumping me because I love anything and everything weird.
That last one brings me to a problem I have been struggling with. If you see changes you know thats me over enduldging on that GODIVA Double Chocolate Cheesecake. Yummy! I am going to have to hike more. Ohh. I need a new Camera. Incentive. Sweet!!!!!
Another double blast from my past is this You Tube Video. Anyone under 25 probably will not remember this unless the club they go to plays Old School.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and be kind to strangers.
I just got my heart jump started. Wow.
And I have the huge cheesecake that I bought, and now have no where to bring it. Stuff happens and Godiva Chocolate is sinfully delicious. Oh. I am so sorry. I forgot to say that my cheesecake was a Godiva Double Chocolate from the Cheesecake Factory. No, I do not get paid to say that, but I do get to eat it. I have got to figure out how to share this monster.
My Thankful thoughts:
My Son "Z" being OK and now driving everyone up the wall.
My Mom & Dad for all they do for me and my boys.
My having the best job in the world. (It's true. If you love your job it is not work it's fun.)
My Son, Aaron, for wanting to serve his country like his Mom and Uncle's did.
My readers for reading and for not dumping me because I love anything and everything weird.
That last one brings me to a problem I have been struggling with. If you see changes you know thats me over enduldging on that GODIVA Double Chocolate Cheesecake. Yummy! I am going to have to hike more. Ohh. I need a new Camera. Incentive. Sweet!!!!!
Another double blast from my past is this You Tube Video. Anyone under 25 probably will not remember this unless the club they go to plays Old School.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and be kind to strangers.
I just got my heart jump started. Wow.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Oh my Words!
Do you know what it is I love about my friends? They rock! Well. The ones that actually take the time to see if I'm still breathing that is. Whoops. I said that out loud didn't I? Snort snort!! Look Mom. I made a funny. Yeah. I know. I'll stop now.
So. My friend G, (she is under the blogger protection program)*, sends me an e-mail to make me smile and of course send well wishes to Z-man. We had been talking about words and how they sound. No, I am not making this up. Words. They make funky vibrations in your mouth. They force you to use your tongue. Your brain has to wrap around the thought of certain syllables connecting with vowels, or the lack of either. Holy crap. I am starting to sound smart. I need to hush, or you readers may expect me to be grammatically correct and spell stuff and use punctuation and be serious about writing. Again with the inside joke. Sorry.
Ahem. I know that I have my fellow writers, creator's, and reader's that love the different, bizzare, and sometimes strange stuff we produce, or come in contact with. I love funny sounding words. So does G (She is so funny and wicked smart. She needs to start a blog.) Words..words..words. When we use them in our writing we try so hard to creatively use them in order to not be repetitive I repeat Repetitive. Sniff. Hee hee. The inside jokes again. Repeating. Oh for crying out loud. I'll stop.
All you word lovers will love this Dr. Demento video called Bulbous Bouffant.
If you really want go see the cartoon puppet version done by The Vestibules. Oh, what the hello. I will link you here.
Thank you for playing along. Notice I didn't try to sneak in any really fun wordy words? I am so
inimitable. Ha! Gotcha.
I hope you took a second, or 4 or so minutes to watch the educational video. Laughing hard I may have to pee.
Sweet dreams everyone.
So. My friend G, (she is under the blogger protection program)*, sends me an e-mail to make me smile and of course send well wishes to Z-man. We had been talking about words and how they sound. No, I am not making this up. Words. They make funky vibrations in your mouth. They force you to use your tongue. Your brain has to wrap around the thought of certain syllables connecting with vowels, or the lack of either. Holy crap. I am starting to sound smart. I need to hush, or you readers may expect me to be grammatically correct and spell stuff and use punctuation and be serious about writing. Again with the inside joke. Sorry.
Ahem. I know that I have my fellow writers, creator's, and reader's that love the different, bizzare, and sometimes strange stuff we produce, or come in contact with. I love funny sounding words. So does G (She is so funny and wicked smart. She needs to start a blog.) Words..words..words. When we use them in our writing we try so hard to creatively use them in order to not be repetitive I repeat Repetitive. Sniff. Hee hee. The inside jokes again. Repeating. Oh for crying out loud. I'll stop.
All you word lovers will love this Dr. Demento video called Bulbous Bouffant.
If you really want go see the cartoon puppet version done by The Vestibules. Oh, what the hello. I will link you here.
Thank you for playing along. Notice I didn't try to sneak in any really fun wordy words? I am so
inimitable. Ha! Gotcha.
I hope you took a second, or 4 or so minutes to watch the educational video. Laughing hard I may have to pee.
Sweet dreams everyone.
*A completely fictitous, but otherwise amusing agency created from the mushy glob located in my head.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Z-file: Surgery Sucks Serious Nads

If you are looking for a fluffy post go away. Nothing about Zach was fluffy and right. Everyone who told me "Oh. It's an easy operation. He goes in and comes out. He should be able to go home that day." Or "My child went in and had it done and came out wanting ice cream and we were out the door."
How about this: My son went in and shoved the surgeon out of the way...gave himself the anesthesia which he was impervious to, so he decided to gargle some ice water to numb himself, and then ripped his own Tonsils and Adenoids right out. He hawked up some blood but felt he was good to go and was ready for some Loaded Nacho's.
Of course I am kidding, but hopefully you get the frustration I have been dealing with. I had to call the Doc again tonight because he is not drinking or eating and he has been throwing up. So now its NO food at all and just water or pedialite. If he tosses his meds and water tonight its back to the ER. Bleh.
I have some pictures from the hospital. I stopped taking them for obvious reasons.

That's my baby boy. My Z-man! One day of surgery crumbled this Super-Spirited-Ultra-Positive-Ever-Smiling-Mama.
Hopefully he sleeps peacefully.
Sweet dreams to all.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Good morning.
Blase over at My game...it's your move had this getting to know you "whatchamacallit" lists. I figured eh..I have nothing to gain or lose so what the heck!
I'm all about getting to know my Peeps. Please list your Favorites and Answers to the following-
1.Ice Cream Flavor~Cookies and cream, but I am lactose intolerant so I never eat it.
2. Color~Pink
3.Full-Course Dinner~Thanksgiving Dinner with all the fixings.
4. TV Show~Top Chef
5. Season of the Year~Summer
6. Day of the Week~Friday
7. Month of the Year~July
8. Room in your House~My room
9. Restaurant~None
10. Movie Actor~Johnny Depp
11. All-Time Movie~Breakfast Club
12. Political Affiliation~ :{ not saying
13. Manner of Relaxing~Sleeping
14. Book, and/or Author~Too many to pick one.
15. Comedian~Dane Cook
16. Excluding Mine...your Favorite Blog~
17. What were the circumstances that gave you the incentive to start a Blog? I wanted a creative outlet.
18. How many jobs have you been employed with since your first full-time job? More than 2
19. How many people do you personally know that has been laid-off of work? About 10
20. Your greatest Concern/Worry/Challenge~My son.
21. Music Artist/Band~Too many to pick one.
22. Your Motto in Life~Carpe diem!
There you have it. Some completely useless information about me. Frankly I loved the answers over at Blase's blog much better.
Zach update: We got home yesterday afternoon. It was a very tiring experience. Once we both got settled in and cleaned up we laid down for a while and managed to sleep clear through the night. I gave him more meds this morning and he went right back to bed. I think I may lay down again too.
Take care all.
I'm all about getting to know my Peeps. Please list your Favorites and Answers to the following-
1.Ice Cream Flavor~Cookies and cream, but I am lactose intolerant so I never eat it.
2. Color~Pink
3.Full-Course Dinner~Thanksgiving Dinner with all the fixings.
4. TV Show~Top Chef
5. Season of the Year~Summer
6. Day of the Week~Friday
7. Month of the Year~July
8. Room in your House~My room
9. Restaurant~None
10. Movie Actor~Johnny Depp
11. All-Time Movie~Breakfast Club
12. Political Affiliation~ :{ not saying
13. Manner of Relaxing~Sleeping
14. Book, and/or Author~Too many to pick one.
15. Comedian~Dane Cook
16. Excluding Mine...your Favorite Blog~
17. What were the circumstances that gave you the incentive to start a Blog? I wanted a creative outlet.
18. How many jobs have you been employed with since your first full-time job? More than 2
19. How many people do you personally know that has been laid-off of work? About 10
20. Your greatest Concern/Worry/Challenge~My son.
21. Music Artist/Band~Too many to pick one.
22. Your Motto in Life~Carpe diem!
There you have it. Some completely useless information about me. Frankly I loved the answers over at Blase's blog much better.
Zach update: We got home yesterday afternoon. It was a very tiring experience. Once we both got settled in and cleaned up we laid down for a while and managed to sleep clear through the night. I gave him more meds this morning and he went right back to bed. I think I may lay down again too.
Take care all.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Zman heads to Surgery.

clip from here
I am packed, and ready. Mom took care of Z while I was at work tonight, so all is well. We are ready to board Captain!
I still have my heart in my throat. I have gotten different responses from my lovely customers,(seriously they ROCK), on what to expect and how their child and/or relative/s handled this procedure. I am getting the part that each child is different and responds as such with this. I also grasp that because of the age it may or may not make it good or bad for him.
Why then do you torture Mom & Dad & Grandparents with shrouded information and then unsure responses to questions I ask? Oh and why did I have to wait all day to get my info for tomorrow? Do you realize that I looked like an idiot speaking to your rep while a customer came over to say Hello. I had to tell said customer that I was on a personal call and was very sorry. You should have been the one apologizing, not me!
Don't even think about blaming us "Fantabulous" retail workers for anything less than extraordinary customer service. The only other option is to avoid "me" because I am a Happy plague. I smile and latch on like no tomorrow.
OK. One more time for good measure and in case anything goes wrong...Pray for Zachary and think about him tomorrow while you are having your breakfast or lunch. He is totally worth the couple of seconds and I want to stop eating my heart.

We (The Hernandez & Pronovost family) thank you for everything. Once again, please think of Z tomorrow.
Sweet dreams all.
Lyn & Family
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My Bon Bombed.

Photo from here
Mmmmmm. Doesn't that look yummy? Good enough to eat right? That's nice, and I'm sure the chef who made them really appreciates your eye for delectable delights. My Bon Bons looked nothing like that. I was going to take pictures and post them so you could see how horrible they turned out, but then I realized that they sort of resembled poo droppings. Even though they look like chocolate blobs they still are mighty scrumptious.
OK. Back to the drawing board.
And another thing.
I was reading some of my posts from when I first started this blog. I make it sound like it has been years, but sadly its not even a year yet.
I'm disturbed by my lack of diligence. I let my creative self slide into the shadows. What is my problem? I seriously do not need to be chasing my shadow around like Peter Pan. And even if I did who would catch it, and sew it back on me.
Here lies the problem. Adults have lost their Pan. No one sees the monsters in the closet, or creepy crawlies under the bed. Does this sound familiar "It's too dark."?
Why would you subject a child to total darkness knowing full well that they are petrified?
My solution to this is simple. Read to your children pleasant or inspiring stories before they go to sleep. If they wake from a nightmare, do not dismiss it as nothing. Give a hug and a kiss and speak softly until sleep returns.
I need to get my Jo back from Mo. This lady has been in a fog. I need to wake up.
Where the heck is the Frog when I need to kiss him. Phhhhphht!
Sweet dreams.
I'm disturbed by my lack of diligence. I let my creative self slide into the shadows. What is my problem? I seriously do not need to be chasing my shadow around like Peter Pan. And even if I did who would catch it, and sew it back on me.
Here lies the problem. Adults have lost their Pan. No one sees the monsters in the closet, or creepy crawlies under the bed. Does this sound familiar "It's too dark."?
Why would you subject a child to total darkness knowing full well that they are petrified?
My solution to this is simple. Read to your children pleasant or inspiring stories before they go to sleep. If they wake from a nightmare, do not dismiss it as nothing. Give a hug and a kiss and speak softly until sleep returns.
I need to get my Jo back from Mo. This lady has been in a fog. I need to wake up.
Where the heck is the Frog when I need to kiss him. Phhhhphht!
Sweet dreams.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Congratulations to my Baby Johnny Depp on his Sexiest Man Alive Win! Yumm.
Everything is thumbs up for Friday for Zach. If all goes well I might be able to bring him home that day. Then its 2 weeks recovery and off he goes! Thank you for the well wishes and prayers. He's going to be fine. Momma tends to overreact when it comes to her baby boy.
That's it for now. Have a great day!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Every thought counts.
When you pray for everyone else who prays for you? Strike me down. Hit me with your best shot. I am tired. Pray for Zach. He's the one who needs it. His surgery is next Friday. I ask my blog friends as well as my FB friends to keep "Z" in their thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Theatrical Trailer #2
OK. So I finished the last book yesterday and was totally bummed out until I found out that the movie is coming in February. I knew it was coming, but I didn't realize how soon.
For those of you that don't know about Percy Jackson you really should read the books. The first book Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightening Thief, by Rick Riordan was a hot topic among the kids and of course I didn't pay attention at first because it was written for kids. Then I thought about Harry Potter and how at first I was against reading the books because I didn't want people to think I was, well hell if I remember what I was afraid of. Screw them I wanted to read everything I could get my hands on. I've always read weird crap and will continue to do so until my sight fails me. And then I'll get someone like Jenny aka Blaez to read to me because she is cool like that. Love you Jenny!
Where was I? Oh yeah. So I remembered that I started reading Harry Potter when book 3 had just come out and was completely addicted. It was pure torture having to wait for #4 Goblet of Fire. By #7 the Mail Carrier knew to just drive up & drop off my book before starting her route. I think she felt bad for me. There must be something really creepy about a grown adult sitting on a front porch whimpering and craning her neck every time a car passes by. Yeah I know I could have gotten my book at the store but it was more fun my way and it gave the neighbors something to talk about.
With Percy Jackson I didn't have to go through all of that. I was so late in the game that all five books were published and ready for purchase. And the amazing thing is that my non-book loving Teen "Double A" was the one to ask me to pick him up a copy. Ha! Go figure. Even Mom is on board. She bought the Audio for her car.
Blah. Blah. Blah. Why is this chic babbling about some dumb book? Well it's because I love mythology. Anyone who knows me knows that I crave knowledge, and the more "useless" it is the better it is. What I thought was awesome about Rick Riordan's books was that I finally "got" it. You know. I finally was able to understand some of the "myths" from back in the day. I love to share my little treasures so I hope you either read the books or at least pass on the information to someone who may fall in love like I did.
Before you leave please check out the Trailer. The Director, Chris Columbus, is the same guy who did Harry Potter's Sorcerer's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets. If you check out the Cast List you will see some familiar names. Wow. I am so excited!
Until next time.
Sweet dreams.
Don't be shy. Check out the trailer!!!!
I love you all.
For those of you that don't know about Percy Jackson you really should read the books. The first book Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightening Thief, by Rick Riordan was a hot topic among the kids and of course I didn't pay attention at first because it was written for kids. Then I thought about Harry Potter and how at first I was against reading the books because I didn't want people to think I was, well hell if I remember what I was afraid of. Screw them I wanted to read everything I could get my hands on. I've always read weird crap and will continue to do so until my sight fails me. And then I'll get someone like Jenny aka Blaez to read to me because she is cool like that. Love you Jenny!
Where was I? Oh yeah. So I remembered that I started reading Harry Potter when book 3 had just come out and was completely addicted. It was pure torture having to wait for #4 Goblet of Fire. By #7 the Mail Carrier knew to just drive up & drop off my book before starting her route. I think she felt bad for me. There must be something really creepy about a grown adult sitting on a front porch whimpering and craning her neck every time a car passes by. Yeah I know I could have gotten my book at the store but it was more fun my way and it gave the neighbors something to talk about.
With Percy Jackson I didn't have to go through all of that. I was so late in the game that all five books were published and ready for purchase. And the amazing thing is that my non-book loving Teen "Double A" was the one to ask me to pick him up a copy. Ha! Go figure. Even Mom is on board. She bought the Audio for her car.
Blah. Blah. Blah. Why is this chic babbling about some dumb book? Well it's because I love mythology. Anyone who knows me knows that I crave knowledge, and the more "useless" it is the better it is. What I thought was awesome about Rick Riordan's books was that I finally "got" it. You know. I finally was able to understand some of the "myths" from back in the day. I love to share my little treasures so I hope you either read the books or at least pass on the information to someone who may fall in love like I did.
Before you leave please check out the Trailer. The Director, Chris Columbus, is the same guy who did Harry Potter's Sorcerer's Stone and The Chamber of Secrets. If you check out the Cast List you will see some familiar names. Wow. I am so excited!
Until next time.
Sweet dreams.
Don't be shy. Check out the trailer!!!!
I love you all.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Hecate & I hiss & growl...
Not saying anything bad. My word spreads, and I have to be cautious.

The Greek goddess Hecate reminds us of the importance of change, helping us to release the past, especially those things that are hindering our growth, and to accept change and transitions. She sometimes asks us to let go of what is familiar, safe, and secure and to travel to the scary places of the soul.
Oh, Yes I did go there. I had so much more to say, but I am enjoying the cream filled yumm of Twinkies. I Know I am going to get lip from some of my best girls/guys out there, but I stand my ground. I love you. Peace.

The Greek goddess Hecate reminds us of the importance of change, helping us to release the past, especially those things that are hindering our growth, and to accept change and transitions. She sometimes asks us to let go of what is familiar, safe, and secure and to travel to the scary places of the soul.
Oh, Yes I did go there. I had so much more to say, but I am enjoying the cream filled yumm of Twinkies. I Know I am going to get lip from some of my best girls/guys out there, but I stand my ground. I love you. Peace.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Guess Who?
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