Monday, July 6, 2009

I love our family BBQ's. It's all about the catching up on our lives and food and fun and more food. If you are in the VIP/VIF you get to go to the gaming tent. This is my Fathers game room. Beware all who enter. You will be taken down by the Master of Dominoes. You want to play cards...OK...Tony will step in and wipe you out. Oh haven't had enough...enter the nephews.

My Cake


We rock!

Hugs & Kisses from me!!

I am going to watch Heroes from the beginning so when I am asked a question again I won't feel like an arse.


  1. looks like you had a pretty amazing time!!

    now THAT's how you celebrate a Holiday/Birthday! :)

  2. Looks like you had an awesome birthday with the fam! Happy Belated!

    And I missed it over the weekend, but congrats on 100 posts, too! That really is a big accomplishment for any blogger.
